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Tournament Registration

golf ball

Tournament Registration

NarroWay on the Fairway 2024 Tournament

golf tournament

Join us for a day of golf at Sun City and Carolina Lakes Golf Club. This gorgeous, 18-hole course some of the the best Bent grass greens and most challenging par 3’s in the area. The tournament features contests, prizes, dinner, an awards ceremony, silent auction and more. Register as an individual or with a team of 2-4 players.* All proceeds benefit the 501 (c)(3) non-profit, NarroWay Productions. NarroWay's directors, staff and a host of volunteers will be on site. 

*In order to maximize the effectiveness of the fundraiser, teams registering with less than 4 players may be assigned additional players at the discretion of the tournament directors.


Event Information

Event Date 09-23-2024 10:30 am
Event End Date 09-23-2024 5:00 am
Cut off date 09-23-2024 12:00 pm
Capacity 124
Registered 65
Available Place 59
Individual Price $125.00
Location Carolina Lakes Golf Club

We are no longer accepting registration for this event