- Avoid slow pace of play. Take time for your shot, but don't be slow. Be prepared to hit your shot on your turn. Every attempt should be made to maintain your team's proper position on the course.
- Maintain the course. Replace your divots. Rake the bunker. Repair pitch marks or indentations on the green.
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship and be courteous. Behave as politely as possible in all situations. Never throw clubs in anger, swear or allow frustration to result in unsportsmanlike conduct.
- Silence is golden. When someone is hitting a shot, remain silent. If carrying a cell phone, keep the phone on silent at all times. Avoid technology and stay off your phone.
- Be aware of your shadow. Make sure your shadow doesn't fall across another player, the player's putting line or the hole.
- Practice safety. Do not hit the ball until you are certain the team ahead of you is safely out of range. If a ball in motion appears to be headed toward another player, quickly and loudly shout, "Fore!" Never swing in the direction of another player.
- Operate carts responsibly. Do not drive on or around the tees or greens. Avoid damaging the course with the cart. Stay within the parameters set by the course.